As we pass the 500nm mark since casting off, Untethered has turned to a WNW heading, taking us off the rhumb line (straight route) to Annapolis. As we monitor conditions ahead, a range of potential severe weather systems are developing, making the straight line passage to Chesapeake Bay unlikely and increasingly risky. We are downloading weather data via satellite every few hours as well as receiving daily custom route forecasts. Threading the needle through large storm systems is not an attractive alternative and a large system offshore Georgia and the Carolinas requires we slow our progress or bend our route westward, just north of the Bahamas. Heading west will add significant distance to the passage, but will also give us options to tuck into the Bahamas, Florida coast or Charleston should the weather intensify.
With current weather systems there is no storm free headings for Untethered and our goal is to miss the worst of it by staying south another day before a full turn north. One advantage of this approach is getting into the Gulfstream early and floating that powerful current north. As we approach the Bahamas the effects of coastal weather systems become clear as our radar lights up with squalls and the late afternoon sky darkens. We are now actively watching Untethered’s Radar screen as we see squalls appear, grow and pass us hourly. Our best strategy is pulling in sails as squalls approach and steering actively around them. With these systems moving at 25+knts we can’t outrun them, but can steer clear of the worst. Our watch schedules have been altered to ensure two on deck at all times. This means a short one hour on and an even shorter two hours off for sleep. Such is the middle of our passage. Storms shake Untethered hourly with heavy seas, rain and winds we clock at 45knts through the worst of it.
As we clear the Bahamas and near the coast, we have also cleared the squalls and the weather system to the north is now pushing further northeast offshore clearing our path. We make our turn north and as we angle towards the Gulfstream a tired Untethered Crew begins to catch up on sleep and anticipates the coast and landfall now just 48hours away.